Partnering to solve the toughest growth challenges in business

Case Study: Corporate Real Estate

Problem Statement:
Headquarters city office space demands are growing faster than revenues of the business. Headquarters city environment is also rapidly growing and additional space is at a cost premium. Employees expressing concerns about rising costs and time of commuting; turnover of critical people resources is a concern.

Space strategy has not kept pace with impact of technology or needs of employees. There is a lack of space flexibility to grow and contract to meet the ever changing needs of the business. General Managers are frustrated with and questioning why space costs are rising at such a rapid rate.

Employee home distribution analysis conducted along with classification analysis of types of work being performed. New office leases are executed in suburban locations to meet growth needs. Flexible work system implemented enabling much more efficient use of both new and existing space. Supporting education and change management programs delivered.

Results: New space costs drop 30% due to suburban location and higher utilization. Employee satisfaction and productivity increase while turnover decreases. Flexible work system availability becomes a key differentiating recruiting tool to attract new people.




How TTG Can Help You:  The same expertise and thinking that drove these results would be deployed against your strategic procurement initiatives.  We will partner with you to create solutions that meet your needs and increase the capabilities of your team to execute successfully.